How to Support the Belfast Curling Club
The Belfast Curling Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization promoting the sport of curling in Belfast, Maine, and the surrounding area. The club has been an important part of our community since 1959, offering a fun, social place for people to gather and participate in an indoor winter sport that is both physically and mentally engaging. We are an all-volunteer organization, funded through membership dues, bonspiels, Learn to Curl Events, ice rentals, advertising, fundraisers, raffles, and donations. If you would like to support the club, there are many ways you can help!
Monetary Donations
If you would like to make a donation, mail a check to: Belfast Curling Club, P.O. Box 281, Belfast, ME 04915.
Donate by Square:
Donate by PayPal:
The Belfast Curling Club is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and all donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
Stock Donations
We have employed a new tool to help facilitate the ongoing capital needs of Belfast Curling Club—stock donations. Donating stock to the Belfast Curling benefits both parties involved. If a supporter donates a stock that has increased in value, the donor will not have to pay capital gains tax. What’s more, if the donor itemizes taxes, the donation is tax-deductible. This will allow the donor to claim a tax deduction based on the value of the stock at the time of the transfer, if they have owned the stock at least one year and one day. No capital gains taxes, plus a tax deduction! Donors will receive a written confirmation of their contribution for their tax records. If this sounds like a good strategy for you, you can donate by clicking here.
Bonspiel Sponsorship
The Belfast Curling Club hosts 5 or 6 bonspiels (multi-day competitions) per year which attract curlers from other states and the Canadian Maritimes. Curlers pay an entrance fee to participate which generally includes all meals. We are known for our hospitality, and we take pride in our state, featuring Maine products in our menus, prizes, and raffle items. Many local businesses and craftspeople support our bonspiels by donating items to defray the cost of hosting the event. To learn more about our different bonspiels, go to Bonspiels.
Fundraising Events
Once or twice a year, the Belfast Curling Club holds a fundraising event, i.e. an auction, yard sale, or benefit concert. As they occur, they are advertised on our home page with information about how to participate.
We offer advertising opportunities in our icehouse as well as on our website. To learn more, click here.
Thank you!